Real meaning of poker face

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Poker face definition. What is the meaning of poker face? Learn this English idiom along with other words and phrases at Writing Explained. What is poker face? What poke face means…

Does the Vesti know the true meaning behind Lady Gaga's ... It chronicles Lady Gaga's bisexual experiences where she would be having sex with a man but thinking about a woman the entire time. Thus the poker... Lady Gaga – Poker Face Lyrics | Genius Lyrics Poker Face Lyrics: Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / Mum mum mum mah / I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas, please / Fold 'em ...

What does poker face mean? poker face Definition. …

How to read a poker face: the art of deciphering microexpressions During job interviews a flicker of the eyelids or twitch of the lips can betray your interviewer’s thoughts. Use these tips to ... Name Pokerface - The Meaning Of The Name

Poker face Synonyms, Poker face Antonyms |

Finding Meaning Through the Many Windows of Wellness. How 10 Major Songwriters Make Big Money – Rolling Stone Jan 19, 2012 ... True? "When you have a cross-over song, it just makes more and more ... the Good Girl Gone Bad album, meaning all four songwriters (including rapper ... And a massive hit like "Rolling in the Deep" or "Poker Face" can make ... Lady Gaga Reveals Hidden True Meaning Behind ‘Poker Face ... Lady Gaga Reveals Hidden True Meaning Behind ‘Poker Face ... During a slowed down lounge session of her No.1 hit 'Poker Face,' she paused to regale the ... Poker Face | Definition of Poker Face by Merriam-Webster Poker face definition is ... First Known Use of poker face. 1874, in the meaning defined above. History and Etymology for poker face. poker entry 2; ...

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Poker face | Definition of Poker face at A visage lacking any expression that can be interpreted, as in Whenever Betty attended one of her children's performances, she managed to keep a poker face.This term alludes to the facial expression of a poker player who is expert at concealing his feelings about his hand. Lady GaGa - Poker Face Lyrics | SongMeanings Song MeaningLady Gaga interpreted "Poker Face" at the 20th Annual White party."Poker face is the one she puts on while she's with a man but really fantasizing about a woman". As according to Perez Hilton. I found this interesting because I wondered what the meaning really was and I never could come up with one definite answer.